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Stone and Quartz

Updated: Sep 16, 2024

Cambria Windermere have a nice pattern with shades of gray and cream with golden copper color. Here is a picture of how looks the full slab of Cambria Windermere #Mycambria

Cambria quartz countertops dealer Boca Raton FL
Cambria Windermere Quartz slab size: 132" x 65"
Cambria Windermere How look installed
Cambria Windermere Sample

The client chose the countertop based on the mosaic that he had previously installed in his kitchen. When he saw the sample of Cambria Windermere he loved it, this design and color of Cambria was the perfect one to make contrast with the existent backsplash and its new white cabinets.

To make countertops templates we recommend that all cabinets need to be installed properly; only then, we can start making templates.

When we finish fabricating the countertops, we schedule the countertops installation day with our customer.

Cambria Kitchen countertops installation Boca Raton FL
Cambria Windermere Kitchen countertops installed

Cambria Windermere countertops Boca Raton FL
How Cambria Windermere countertops looks installed?
Cambria Windermere countertops Boca Raton FL
How Cambria Windermere looks installed?

It is important to keep in mind that cabinet pulls play an important role in the final design of any kitchen remodel. If they are a bit more elongated compared to the ones that were previously used years ago, it is convenient because it gives a look of spaciousness to the cabinets, apart from the fact that they help to open more comfortably each cabinet door.


Stone and Quartz

Boca Raton FL

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