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Creamy base Quartz Countertops installation | Cambria Fairbourne

Stone and Quartz

Updated: Sep 16, 2024

Cambria Fairbourne has a creamy base color with male-strom of light beige and White color.

Lest check the color of a full slab of Cambria Fairbourne

Cambria quartz countertops Boca Raton FL. Contact Stone and Quartz LLC
Cambria Fairbourne full slab picture | Delivered in the shop ready to make countertops

For these countertops installed in Boca Raton FL, our customer selected Cambria Fairbourne.

Cambria Quartz Countertops installation Boca Raton FL
Cambria Quartz Countertops Installation Boca Raton FL

Every large kitchen with countertops that are longer than the length of the slab requires paying extra attention to how to use the material and even sometimes it is required to buy extra-material especially when it is necessary to combine or continue the design of movement that the slab has.

Quartz Countertops installation in Boca Raton FL
Countertops Installation Boca Raton FL

Fairbourne quartz doesn't have that problem. The benefit of this quartz pattern is that its design is noble and cozy, because with its background color and storm movements make this quartz more accessible to work in kitchens with L shape counters and the joints are less noticeable

Cambria kitchen countertops in Boca Raton FL. Quartz Countertop store and installer Contact Stone and Quartz LLC. Best costumer service.
Cambria Fairbourne Kitchen Countertops Installation Boca Raton FL

In this kitchen, the wooden cabinets were in very good shape outside and inside, but the kitchen was looking old and outdated due to the material design and color of the old granite countertops and its old backsplash.

As we can see now, the kitchen looks brand new with just changing the countertops, backsplash and appliances increasing the light and beauty of the house, giving it a new style.

Cambria Quartz Countertops in Boca Raton FL. This kitchen countertops we installed in Boca Raton FL. Contact Stone and Quartz LLC.
Cambria Fairbourne Kitchen countertops installed Boca Raton FL

Kitchen Countertops installation Details:

*1 1/4" straight edge

*Undermount sink cut-out

*70/30 stainless steel under mount sink

*2 Faucet holes

*9 outlet cut-outs

*Full backsplash (same as countertops / Fairbourne Quartz)

*Material: Cambria Fairbourne Quartz

*Place of installation: Boca Raton, FL

Each countertop and backsplash that we install gives us gives us a chance to make someone happy. For that reason we are able to interact with the homeowner and have the opportunity to build a relationship based on trust.

Master Bathroom vanity top installation.

Quartz Countertops installation near me. Boca Raton FL Contact Stone and Quartz LLC
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Guest Bathroom Vanity top installed

vanity tops installation near me Boca Raton FL. Contact Stone and Quartz LLC. Cream quartz countertops
Cambria Fairbourne Vanity Top and brow cabinets | installed in Boca Raton FL

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